
Grey’s Anatomy Star Talks Politics At Penn (Videos)

Kate Walsh

Kate Walsh (Addison on Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice) came to Penn on Saturday (9/13/08) to talk at a PennDems meeting.

Click here to watch her talk about the Obama campaign, the first time she met Barack and what he said to her that impressed her, …and a funny clip where we see the effects of the red-eye flight she took to get to Penn!
(thanks to youtube’s “EmmyWatches”)

Kate Walsh talks about Nevada, the Obama campaign, her mom, her mom’s hat:

Kate Walsh discusses the Obama campaign, gets confused, and then bounces back:

Kate Walsh recalls the first time she met Barack Obama and what he said that impressed her:

Check out all the Penn activity surrounding the Presidential Campaign 2008!

Check out what else is happening on campus

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