Last month, I came across some great wedding shots on Penn’s campus of a couple who actually met at Penn (turns out you could actually get married at Penn!) Since I posted that article, another couple who met as undergrads at Penn came forward with some great wedding shots on Penn’s campus. After the jump […]
Photo credit: Natalie Franke For the conclusion my DT Love Week, I thought this special Valentine’s Day post may appeal to many of my DT readers… Recently I came across some great wedding shots on Penn’s campus of a couple who actually met at Penn. After poking around on Penn’s website, I realized you can actually […]
To kick off our “Blast from the Past” series, check out the UPenn School of Nursing 1978 graduation montage video above. The great thing about this video is that you get glimpses of a very familiar campus (Irvine Auditorium, 34th street, Spruce Street) with subtle differences you would expect from a 1978 video. (Note the […]
Penn President Amy Gutmann with former President Bill Clinton Originally uploaded by JackieE. Today, Penn President Amy Gutmann introduced President Bill Clinton at the “Kerner Plus 40” Symposium in Irvine Auditorium. Per Penn’s press release: “Sponsored by Penn’s Center for Africana Studies and Annenberg School for Communication and by the Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies […]
I’ve started to share this site with more and more alumni and the feedback thus far has been extremely positive. Jon Zucker (W’98, Pennfest 2006) just uploaded a fantastic video of him performing “I’ve Loved These Days” with Billy Joel at Irvine Auditorium in Philadelphia in 1996. …You have to see Jon’s opportunity of a […]