Lesley introduces her Fresh faces line up and does some stand-up about her love for Barry Manilow, followed by the very strange booty texts she has received. …
If you got a BA at Penn in Classics, and then went on to get your PhD in Classics from UT Austin, as well as a Fullbright scholarship and an American Academy …
This week the “The Mouse House” (ABC/Disney) is all about the red and the blue. From news pertaining to studio heads, actors, producers, and …
Transitioning now out of our “Delicious Leftovers” series to bring you some exciting entertainment tidbits from our alumni and undergrads: Lots of …
In continuing my “Delicious Leftovers” week, the following 2 videos were submitted by Kiera Reilly (C’93, Director, Alumni Travel, Associate …
(l to r): Lew Schneider (C’83), event producer Reg Tigerman (C’07), Zach Lutsky (C’97), Sherri Cooper Landsman (C’94) and Jason Resnick …