
His Disturbing Portrayal of a Group That Works Hard and Parties Harder (BOOK)

While living in Washington DC as a speech writer, Grant Ginder (C’05, 34th Street, Beta Theta Pi) began to notice how the politics of the town began taking …

Scott Baio Makes a Cameo in Their EXTREMELY NSFW Viral Video

From the Penn alum who brought you “The Murray Hill Song” and “I Miss Moranis“, DJ Lubel (C’05) has now created a, dare I say, …

He’s Not So Hot For Teacher

What if you met a former teacher and found out he was a total jerk? John Carroll (C’05, 34th Street Magazine section editor, Kelly Writers House writing …

GoldFellas: GoodFellas Meets Goldman Sachs In His New Viral Video

Of the success of his past viral video hit “I’m the Kind of Guy You Meet at 4am”, Matt Rittberg (Penn Law 2005) has now come up with a funny …

His New Production Company’s Hot New Viral Videos You MUST See!

I’ve got another Penn alum filmmaker you all should keep your eye on who produced 2 viral hits I want to share –one a funny commercial for …

This Self-Admitted Scumbag is “The Kinda Guy You Meet at 4am” (VIDEO)

I’ve got a cautionary tale to share from lawyer turned stand-up comedian Matt Rittberg (Penn Law 2005) about the guys a girl meets if she stays out too …

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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