While living in Washington DC as a speech writer, Grant Ginder (C’05, 34th Street, Beta Theta Pi) began to notice how the politics of the town began taking …
From the Penn alum who brought you “The Murray Hill Song” and “I Miss Moranis“, DJ Lubel (C’05) has now created a, dare I say, …
What if you met a former teacher and found out he was a total jerk? John Carroll (C’05, 34th Street Magazine section editor, Kelly Writers House writing …
Of the success of his past viral video hit “I’m the Kind of Guy You Meet at 4am”, Matt Rittberg (Penn Law 2005) has now come up with a funny …
I’ve got another Penn alum filmmaker you all should keep your eye on who produced 2 viral hits I want to share –one a funny commercial for …
I’ve got a cautionary tale to share from lawyer turned stand-up comedian Matt Rittberg (Penn Law 2005) about the guys a girl meets if she stays out too …