
“My Super Sweet 16” …Wharton Style

Okay, “A”s for everybody… About 10 minutes after I wrote about the Mgmt 100 “Buy Buy Buy” class project video, Alex Marcus …

A for Effort

Their vocal stylings may not rival Off the Beat, or any performing arts group on campus for that matter, but the Management 100 Team So Fresh‘s class …

His $1,000 kick!

Nick Trasolini (C’11) is $1,000 richer. Click here to find out why!At November 3rd’s Penn vs. Princeton football game, Nick was picked randomly …

Class of 2011 Candidates use the web to promote themselves

10 years ago student elections meant canvasing the walk and the kiosks with flyers. To be honest, I voted but didn’t always really know whom I was voting …

PENNarts: …Penn’s Performing arts future looking bright

As there seems to be more and more creative people attending Penn, Ty Furman, Director of the Platt Student Performing Arts House emailed me to let me know …

Penn Convocation 2011 gets Inspirational

Photo credit: Michael Tomback (C’11)I found this small clip of the Penn group The Inspiration singing from the 2007 Convocation the other day on campus. …

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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