Kristin Fairweather (Penn Grad ’01, Masters in Government Administration, Alumni Relations) is in the running for winning a $350,000 production grant …
Another case of Penn alumni (lawyers) with other careers! Former college roommates (in photo to left: l to r:) Jessica Bohrer, (C’99 (technically …
Bill Shraga’s (W’93, Penn Crew Team) world premiere of the latest film he produced, entitled Wake, will be the opening night film at the 2009 …
Last year Stacey Snider (C’82), Dreamworks CEO, gave a FANTASTIC speech at Penn. The video just got released and it is a MUST for anyone wanting to come …
She appears regularly on The Today Show, E! News, NY1, Fox, and the CW. I’m not talking about Paris or Lindsey… I’m talking about Jenn Cohn …