
$350,000 Netflix Competition: She’s In The Final 10 and Needs Your Vote! (VIDEO)

Kristin Fairweather (Penn Grad ’01, Masters in Government Administration, Alumni Relations) is in the running for winning a  $350,000 production grant …

They’re Lawyers By Day, Jewelry Designers By Night

Another case of Penn alumni (lawyers) with other careers! Former college roommates (in photo to left: l to r:) Jessica Bohrer, (C’99 (technically …

From Wall Street to Hollywood: His WAKE Up Call

Bill Shraga’s (W’93, Penn Crew Team) world premiere of the latest film he produced, entitled Wake, will be the opening night film at the 2009 …

Dreamworks CEO Stacey Snider Has Some Great Advice For You

Last year Stacey Snider (C’82), Dreamworks CEO, gave a FANTASTIC speech at Penn. The video just got released and it is a MUST for anyone wanting to come …

She’s Giving Us The Latest Beauty and Style Tips on TV

She appears regularly on The Today Show, E! News, NY1, Fox, and the CW. I’m not talking about Paris or Lindsey… I’m talking about Jenn Cohn …

CoverBoy: Recognized for his Monster of a Campaign

A couple of months ago one Penn alum was featured on the cover of a popular magazine and now news of another alum on a magazine cover. Dave Baronoff …

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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