Over the past couple of months I wrote a few posts about some alumni who had TV pilots in development with the networks. Recently, all the networks have been …
A couple years back I did a post on Sonny Lee (C’03, Penn Six, Full Measure, Penn Admissions) on how his entertainment job sucked and how he then took …
Moses Port (left) and David Guarascio (right) at PennclubLA’s “Penn in Pictures” Penn alumni and writing partners David Guarascio …
Last week the major networks had their upfronts and announced their official 2010-2011 television schedules. Consequentially, there are 3 very happy Penn …
For all those aspiring Penn TV writers, here’s some advice for you, if you write a hit film, studios are more receptive to giving you your own TV pilot. …
This week’s roundup has Penn alumni acting, writing and performing music on TV shows…and then much more certain speculation about one alum becoming …