Hollywood Bits and Pieces: Their New Upcoming TV Shows & Films

Some recent juicy Penn Hollywood alumni tidbits for y’all…
Click HERE for the scoop!
- Elizabeth Banks (C’96) has signed on for a potentially recurring role on ABC’s critically-praised new fall sitcom, “Modern Family”. More HERE
- Speaking of Liz and Todd above, have you seen the new poster for their upcoming film Surrogates?
- “Harold and Kumar” creators Jon Hurwitz (W’00) and Hayden Schlossberg will be directing the comedy “One Night Stan”. Per The Hollywood Reporter, ‘”Stan” plays out a scenario about which many men fantasize on the cusp of marriage. When Stan learns his fiancee, Julie, has had more sexual partners than he, he gets her blessing for one night to play catch-up. Unfortunately, his plans for a sex buffet don’t come together quite the way he had hoped.”‘
…Actually, Jon will be working on this project with Mike Karz (C’89, W’89), another Penn alum who will be in part producing the film.
My past “Hollywood Bits and Pieces” posts HERE