A couple years back I did a post on Sonny Lee (C’03, Penn Six, Full Measure, Penn Admissions) on how his entertainment job sucked and how he then took matters into his own hands which jump started his Hollywood writing career. (a very inspirational read)
Well it’s certainly been getting sunnier for Sonny.
More about the big writing deal he made this year and his new TV pilot!
In this past year, Sonny and his writing partner Patrick Walsh signed a deal with Universal Media Studios and they both recently sold a pilot to NBC which is described as “The Social Network” meets “Eastbound and Down
“. The very topical pilot follows a self-centered, once-hot internet entrepreneur and his would-be think tank as he tries to maintain the illusion he’s a Sean Parker-like CEO.” (source)
Let’s not forget about THIS other very funny Penn alum who also recently sold a pilot to NBC as well.
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