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3 Penn Alumni Win Facebook Competition With Their Free New Web Service

More news of Penn alumni working together. If you’re ever overwhelmed by all the email you get and have to check different accounts multiple times a day, the following 3 Penn alumni have solved the problem with NutshellMail: Mark Schmulen (left), Co-Founder and CEO (C ’03, SAM/Theos Fraternity, SCUE),   David Lyman (center) Co-Founder and […]

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These 3 UPenn Alumni Release a Hot New Futuristic Trailer Starring Bruce Willis

Move over Terminator, another high tech film is coming out this Fall and it looks really cool. Last week I posted my review (and photo with Betty White!) of Todd Lieberman’s (C’95, Mask and Wig, AEPi) The Proposal premiere. (Incidentally, it opened on Friday…go out and support Todd!) Now Todd, as well as co-producers Max […]

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Hanging Out with Todd Lieberman at His Very Engaging Hollywood Premiere of The Proposal

This past Monday, I attended the Hollywood premiere of Producer and good friend Todd Lieberman’s (C’95, Mask and Wig, AEPi) film The Proposal at Hollywood’s El Capitan Theater.  (Photo to right (l to r): Todd and I) Before I get to the actual Hollywood “scene” of this premiere, I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie and […]

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Star Trek Has Beamed Up Penn Alum Dave Baronoff to New Hollywood Heights

Last January I wrote a post on how Dave Baronoff (C’99, L’02, Mask and Wig) went from lawyer to producer for JJ Abrams. I am happy to report that Dave is doing extremely well.  This year, not only was Dave the Associate Producer of THIS popular movie, and has appeared on the cover of Ad […]

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These 4 Penn Friends Want You To Lend for Peace

What happens when 4 Penn alumni come together to raise money for a good cause? Ask (l to r in pic in left) David Fraga (C’07, Mask and Wig, Sphinx Senior Society, Performing Arts Council), Allam Taj, (Law ’09), Sam Adelsberg (C’10), and Andrew Dudum (C’11). In February, these 4 created, a non-profit microfinance […]

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He Beatboxes In The Internet Symphony That Went Around The World (VIDEO)

Posted on by in 1996

On this happy Cinco de Mayo day, I have a fun, music filled, Penn related, celebration treat for all of you… Did you catch the Youtube Symphony project that was going around the web a couple of weeks ago? If you watch closely in the video above, at minute 4:07, you would have found Adam […]

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-Lisa Niver C’89

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