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Don’t call this Penn spoken word poet “granola”!

The more I write about alumni and undergrads, the more I’m realizing that not only is there a lot of talent out there, but our Penn folk have some powerful opinions and voices. One such alum is Caroline Rothstein (C’06, The Excelano Project), a spoken word poet currently living in New York City. Her poetry […]

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Erika Frankel’s (C’00) campaign for Frontrunners

Judging by how I’m seeing many freshmen enthusiastically using Facebook to campaign for Freshmen elections, many of you undergrad (and alumni) overachievers will appreciate Frontrunners, an upcoming documentary from alum Erika Frankel (C’00)… Click to read more…Per Erika, Frontrunners is “our own independent documentary on the race for school president at the most competitive high […]

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Jennifer Weber (C’00) brings hip-hop ballet(!) to Seattle this weekend

“Hip-hop ballet” sounds cool, doesn’t it? And it is …thanks to Jennifer Weber (C’00, Strictly Funk Dance) who this weekend performs in Seattle’s Bumbershoot (music and arts) festival. Founded in 2000, Jennifer’s all-female performance group called Decadance recruits women from the United States and Japan to perform hip-hop ballets that transcend the world of dance. […]

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Becki Newton (C’00, Ugly Betty) gets Hot in Hollywood!

Becki Newton (C’00), and her Ugly Betty co-stars America Ferrera, Michael Urie join other Heroes, ER, and Grey’s Anatomy TV stars to ham it up to benefit Local AIDS Charities for Click here for this fun video Click to check out my other Becki Newton posts Click to see what other 2000 Penn grads […]

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Elizabeth Banks (C’96) decks the halls this Christmas in Fred Claus

Elizabeth Banks (C’96) brings some holiday cheer to the silver screen this Christmas in the new Vince Vaughn film Fred Claus. Click here to check out Liz in this new trailer Check out my previous Liz Banks posts Click here to check out Liz’s (and other alumni) movies, books and music —————————————————+ Got news of […]

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Writer’s House: Webcast w/ poet laureate Donald Hall

LIVE WEBCAST************ The Kelly Writers House Fellows program presentsDONALD HALL10:30 AM (eastern time) on Tuesday, April 17, 2007a conversation (with audience Q&A) conducted by Al Filreis To participate via webcast, simply rsvp to:[email protected] Anyone with an internet connection can participate. Participants in thewebcast will be able to pose questions to Mr. Hall by email ortelephone. […]

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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