He’s an actor and a singer and he’s performing in the ensemble of a hot musical here in Los Angeles. DJ Gregory (W’03, Off the Beat) is now performing in the ensemble of the cast of Marc Platt’s (C’79) Wicked (8 shows a week!) at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles, and also understudies the […]
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine just came out with a short, interesting, bordering on “cute” PSA video. Watch it here! My question is.. Where do I get one of these animal treadmills (above) so I can exercise my two new wildly energetic puppy Vizlas!? Other Penn PSAs here from musician John Legend (C’99), […]
In addition to my weekly Tuesday Tips, Wednesday Websites , Now and Then Thursday, and Funny Friday series, it’s now time to add another series associated with a day of the week: “Music Mondays”. This series will showcase the works of many of our musicians. I recently reconnected with composer/singer-songwriter extraordinaire Gabriel Mann (C’95) and […]
Tara in above photo taken while on assignment for Glamour in Chad. Over the past year, I’ve covered many stories about Penn actors, filmmakers, and musicians and now it’s time to showcase another talented Penn international photographer whose beautiful work has appeared in many worldwide publications. Based in the Middle East, Tara Todras-Whitehill (C’00, Eng’00, […]
In addition to my weekly Tuesday Tips and Now and Then Thursday series, I want to now introduce yet another series sure to be popular quickly: Website Wednesdays. (yes another illiteration associated with a day of the week). This series will cover the many, many websites developed by our undergrads and alumni. As you’ve noticed […]
Ananda Sen (C’98 and Pennfest 2007 musician) just debuted a song about the direction of the recording industry …and the irony of a number one recording artist’s album generating the lowest record sales. With the ability for artists like Ananda to use the internet to distribute their music, it will be interesting to see what […]