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Will this fresman finish with a Grammy before a degree?

If Andrew Dudum (W’11) were to try out for any of Penn’s a capella groups, odds are he would have surely made it. Instead this talented undergrad is continuing on a solo track he started before he even got to Penn. Per the DP, a few weeks ago Andrew was selected to headline the Rock […]

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We’ve got a great “date” with Ananda

Ananda Sen (C’98 and Pennfest 2007 musician) just launched song #21, “The Date”. As mentioned in my previous post, having begun in June 2007, Ananda has been releasing, free for download, one new song every week for fifty-two weeks! Per Ananda, “it’s cold and rainy in Los Angeles [today], so I thought I’d send you […]

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This Singer’s gonna get your music in TV and film

Not only does Martha Stewart employee Jill Goldberg (C’04, Dischord A Cappella, Penn Choir, Wind Ensemble) have great new songs and a video of her own out, but this ambitious alum also now has a new licensing/publishing business to get the work of you musicians out there on TV and film! Click here to check […]

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A home on campus for bands, jugglers, irish fiddlers, & belly dancers

I love this. It seems with the new Platt Student Performing Arts House, Penn has really been providing students with some very cool opportunities. (thank you Marc Platt (C’79)!) From this fantastic program to an even more fantastic, dare I say “cool” opportunity open to students, staff, faculty and alums(!). More after the jump…Twice a […]

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John Legend (C’00) gets “curbed”

Did you catch John Legend (C’00) on this past weekend’s season finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm? He was playing himself performing at Susie and Jeff’s daugther Sammy’s Bat Mitzvah. Speaking of Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s, did you see this recent “Bar Mitzvah” video from Penn-Six? Click here to check it out! Check out other Penn alumni on […]

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Some “Thrilling” music

Once our alumni set their mind on something, (for the most part) we stick to it… Ask Ananda Sen (C’98 and Pennfest 2007 musician) about commitment… Having begun in June 2007, Ananda has been releasing, free for download, one new song every week for fifty-two weeks! Pretty ambitious! Per Ananda, “by sharing new music with […]

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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