
Search Results

David Isser (C’01): socially relevant filmmaker

Filmmaker David Isser (C’01, Off the Beat) just took part in a 48 hour film festival for the Elevate Film Festival that premieres at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood tomorrow (Saturday, September 15). This appears to be a great film festival! From the elevate film festival website, “It all begins with a nationwide search for […]

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The Facebook Challenge: 1,000 Penn friends

Hey Penn Alumni and Undergrads, I am hoping to get 1,000 alumni and undergrad friends on my Facebook profile by September 1. All I ask of each one of you reading this now is… Can you refer my facebook profile to at least one Penn alumni/undergrad friend who you think may be interested in […]

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We got the Heisman!

Over this past year, Penn has been creating some very cool looking commercials that I believe had been airing during the NCAA games. …I just found this commercial about a famous Penn alum sports hero. To be honest, I hadn’t known this guy was an alum. Click here to check out the commercial. If you […]

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Jon Zucker (W’98) performs at the Mint this Saturday (Los Angeles, 3/24/07)

Jon Zucker (W’98) will perform at the Mint (Los Angeles) this Saturday, 3/24 at 8:30pm. There will be open bar from 8-9pm with your $10 admission…(bring attached flyer) Mint6010 W. Pico Blvd. (at Crescent Heights) L.A., CA 90035. Jon encourages us to check out his blog on his trip to Austin on myspace account. Jon […]

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Gabriel Mann (C’95) on Oscars!

Did you catch Musician Gabriel Mann (C’95) on the Oscars last night? He was in the “Elements in Motion” ensemble. At Penn, Gabe was prominently known as an extremely talented singer, composer and songwriter in Off the Beat. Since then he has been based in Los Angeles and has been touring the world with his […]

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Submitting a Story to Penntertainment: What you need to know…

Hi Penn undergrads and alumni, If you want me to consider doing a feature on you… please first join our community and register/login via the “Registration” link in the top menu. – Please use the form below to submit your article to us.  Please write in the 3rd person.  You can use this article as […]

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"Because of Penntertainment, I got scouted for Nickelodeon. I had such a great time talking with them. I may be a resource for a show on science, travel, geography, gender etc. Thanks for all you do. It really makes a difference."
-Lisa Niver C’89

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