
Blast From the Past: UPenn Graduation 1978 (VIDEO)

UPenn History To kick off our “Blast from the Past” series, check out the UPenn School of Nursing 1978 graduation montage video above.

The great thing about this video is that you get glimpses of a very familiar campus (Irvine Auditorium, 34th street, Spruce Street) with subtle differences you would expect from a 1978 video.  (Note the passing cars, hairstyles and clothing!)

Overall, same place but different faces from generations past.  I love this stuff!

UPenn Irvine Auditorium

Check another 1978 video from the School of Nursing after the jump!

This video is apparently a montage of a UPenn School of Nursing Graduation Skit.  Overall, another video which gives you the feeling of another time at Penn.

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