
Penn Undergrads You Should Know About Vol. 3


Daniel Yellin (W’15) is a rising senior from Atlanta, GA. Daniel studies Marketing and Operations Management and is minoring in both Cinema Studies and English.

On campus you can catch him performing with Dischord A Cappella or on the field with Club Soccer. Daniel is the Development Intern at Allison Shearmur Productions and the Development and Finance Intern at GRAiNEY Pictures.

Why Allison Shearmur and GRAiNEY Pictures?: I knew I wanted to be in LA this summer, and my internships give me a pretty broad view of the industry.

Take Us Through A Normal Day: At Allison Shearmur Productions, I read scripts and write coverage. At GRAiNEY Pictures, I’ll do everything from new concept development and financial research to working as an assistant director on a shoot.

What’s Your favorite Part?: The people I get to work with are easily my favorite thing about my jobs. I know that the other interns will go on to do great things, and I love getting to know each of them.




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